Becoming Self-Aware: Step 5

Step 5: Decide what kind of person you are going to become.

The next questions from Alma 5…

“… have ye spiritually been born of God? Have ye received his image in your countenances? Have ye experienced this mighty change in your hearts?”

Or, in other words:

“Who do you want to become? Who do you want to be like? Have you started making the change?”

How do you start making changes? Becoming self-aware is an excellent start.


How do we know who we want to become? Who do we pattern our lives after?

I think the answer is different for everyone. In any case, we should pattern our lives after someone, or rather and ideal someone. Nobody is perfect and, obviously, we don’t want to repeat unnecessary mistakes made by others. So, pick someone. Choose someone you want to be like.

When answering the question “Who do you want to become?” understand that you’re not looking for someone else to become. You’re becoming a better version of you. Picture yourself in 5, 10, 20 years from now. What do you see? Do you see expensive cars and a giant house? Do you see children or grandchildren? What do you see around you?

How do you make that vision a reality? What things do you need to do NOW to make that happen? Have you started making the change? Nobody else can do it for you.

Step 1: Learn where you came from and why you think the way you do.

Step 2: Be grateful for the things, tangible or not, that you already have.

Step 3: Be grateful for your challenges – they make you who you are.

Step 4: Choose to believe.

Step 5: Decide what kind of person you’re going to become. Envision it.