Think On Someone Your Own Size

It’s good to have a dream. It’s good to go after your dream. It’s even better when you’re willing to work hard and push yourself to attain your dream.

But don’t be a little fish with big britches.

Little Fish Big Fish

That little fish might really want to taste the big fish. He thinks he can catch him, take a bite, fill himself and then swim away.

IF he’s successful, and that’s a BIG IF, what then? The ideas get bigger and before long he’s sunk his teeth into a Great White and can’t get them back out again. Or he does get them back out but all he really did was make the shark mad. He’ll die for sure.

Instead, that little fish should be thinking like a little fish. “Swim away!” That little fish is so focused on what’s in front of him and of getting a hold of that big fish, that he fails to see what’s coming up behind him.



If, when we’re creating our own small business (even if we have dreams of becoming a large one), we don’t think like a small business, we can really do some heavy damage.

It’s good to have dreams. All successful people have them. We need to be able to be realistic and take those dreams on, one step at a time. Someday we can be the big fish, but to think like a big fish when we’re so little will only hinder our efforts and blind us to other opportunities.

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